Preparing Postgraduate Training Plans
This guideline has been prepared in conjunction with the PTP template and offers guidance on how to complete the template.
Surveying graduates should discuss the PTP with their supervisors to ensure goals are achievable and consistent with employer expectations and opportunities. A PTP is required to be signed by the surveying graduate’s supervisor or mentor.
The PTP template is the surveyor framework with an additional three columns to record:
- Actual or proposed work experience
- Proposed timeframe
- Assessments completed
Work through the PTP template to determine whether you have adequate experience and evidence to develop a CER. Once sufficient experience has been gained that would demonstrate competency in the element or descriptor record this by noting jobs worked on and evidence available. In the proposed timeframe column list the date a CER could be finalised and submitted to the Board for assessment.
If additional experience is required against elements or descriptors discuss with your supervisor how and when this knowledge and experience will be gained. Record the proposed work experience or jobs to be completed and nominate in the proposed timeframe column, a date when the necessary skills and experience will be gained.
Listed below are some details relating to the PTP example on the Board webpage.
3.1 Setout minor works
Experience has been gained setting out a number of houses for construction. Recent examples of a house set outs can be quoted and evidence produced that will cover all descriptors of Element 3.1. With this knowledge nominate a date to develop and submit a CER eg, October, 2015.
S 3.2 Perform topographic surveys
A number of small topographic surveys have been performed using Total Stations and GNSS methods. The notes in the framework state that the survey must have an adjusted network of stations, a range of natural and artificial features etc. While the skills and experience may exist to undertake this survey no current evidence is available. Discuss with your supervisor when an appropriate project is expected that will provide the opportunity to gain further experience and gather the necessary evidence to satisfy the framework. Nominate a proposed date when the next job will hopefully be available for you to complete.
S 3.3 Survey and calculate volumes and quantities
No quantity or volume survey work has been performed during your career to date. Record in the PTP how and when it is proposed to gain the required skills and experience after discussion with your supervisor. Eg, upgrading skills in the calculation software and expect to have completed a suitable job within 12 months.
Updating a PTP
A PTP is a plan, and the Board accepts it will change over time. What the Board does require is that the PTP be reviewed and updated each year. Proposed actions may have been completed so this can be recorded to demonstrate that progress has been made and the timeframe updated to record when a CER could be finalised. An updated PTP can be submitted to the Board from July onward should be forwarded to the Board by 30 September of each year.
Graduates are required to demonstrate progression towards registration as a surveyor each year. This progression is required to be clearly demonstrated before your registration will be renewed in the following year. The second page of the PTP template provides space for a progression log. This is an opportunity to summarise projects worked on during the year which will lead to the development of CERs.
- Examine the framework to determine which elements you have competency in and those where additional training and experience may be required.
- List existing work completed or future projects that you may be able to use to demonstrate your competency in the “proposed work experience” column.
- Estimate a timeframe for submission of CERs for these elements.
- List possible projects or learning experiences that may help you obtain competency in other elements.
- Estimate a timeframe for obtaining experience and submitting CERs.
- Discuss your plan with your supervisors or mentors to ensure appropriate experience can be gained in a reasonable timeframe.
- Submit your PTP to the SBQ prior to registration renewal, demonstrating progression made towards registration in the current year.
- Estimate a timeframe to complete the surveyor competency framework.