Guidelines for PREPARING Career Episode Reports (CER)

How to develop a CER

Applicants are encouraged to write the CER in a narrative format using the S.T.A.R. structure style.  The CER should describe:

(S)ituation you found yourself in

(T)ask you were required to perform

(A)ction you took and

(R)esults of those actions


As an example the following could be used:

“Client Instructions” to describe the situation;

“Process Design” to explain which tasks are to be completed and why;

“Field Tasks” covering the action items; and

“Output” to describe the final results.


Use dot points to develop the narrative of the CER. The dot points should take into consideration “why” particular processes were selected in preference to other options. Insert additional material into the document to address the elements of the framework by providing “answers” to all relevant descriptors. It is recommended to use, at the least, a paragraph to describe each descriptor. Insert the framework descriptor number in the left margin of the CER document to clearly identify to the assessor what descriptors are being claimed.

Review the relevant competency framework, paying particular attention to the “Notes” column that provides guidance to the content and extent of material required to be addressed in the CER. Ensure the CER is clear, concise, delivered at a technical level, logically structured and able to be easily interpreted by another surveyor. There is no maximum length for a CER as the size and content of the CER is at the discretion of the registrant.

Each CER should be numbered, presented in the standard format, and contain:

  1. an abstract (brief description of the task undertaken);
  2. narrative content;
  3. reference to the framework descriptors claimed (left hand column);
  4. authentication; and
  5. documentary evidence that supports and explains the task further or shows the results of the action taken via referencing in the text of the document e.g. reports, images or printouts.


CERs are required to be submitted in hardcopy format with a softcopy backup (PDF or Microsoft Word).



It is preferable that each CER is authenticated by a registered surveyor but if this is not possible then it is acceptable to use someone who has knowledge of the specific element and membership of a professional body that has a disciplinary mechanism.  As a last resort work can be authenticated by someone who has personal knowledge of the work being reported and is willing to sign a Solemn Declaration under the Oaths Act 1867-1988.




The applicant is required to:

  • Identify a work project that can be used to demonstrate some elements of the framework. This project should be recent, carried out personally by the applicant and have sufficient evidence available to support the CER.
  • Start the CER by first establishing a framework or general headings (STAR method).
  • The CER is required to be in the standard format.
  • Outlining the processes undertaken to complete the project. Include “why decisions were made” as well as a list of “what was done”.
  • Review the framework to determine which elements and descriptors may relate to the processes within the selected work project.
  • Select an individual descriptor from the framework that relates to the CER.
  • List the framework descriptor in the left hand column of the CER.
  • Review the CER to ensure it is logically structured and is able to be easily interpreted by another surveyor. The CER should be clear and concise and delivered at a technical level.
  • Gather all the relevant documentary evidence to support the claims made in the CER. This material will need to be in hard copy format and should be appropriately referenced within your CER and attached in an appendix.
  • Complete an executive summary in the standard format indexing where to look in the CER to find answers to the descriptors and documented evidence relating to the descriptors.