New Cadastral Endorsement Competency Assessment Process

In 2021, the Board completed its review of cadastral assessment processes and how they relate to the numbers of Cadastral Surveyors being added to the register.  In November 2021, the Board conducted a pilot program trialling a new process that involved an oral assessment undertaken over a two-day period based on a candidate’s portfolio of projects.  Seven candidates took part in the pilot program and all seven were successful in obtaining their Cadastral Endorsement.

Based upon the success of the pilot program the Board adopted the new process as the new way to assess Cadastral Endorsement competency. The new process replaced the requirement of a candidate to submit Career Episode Reports (CERs) and a Professional Assessment Project (PAP) or an oral presentation – these had been an integral feature of the Cadastral Endorsement assessment since it was introduced with the Surveyors Act of 2003. 

In the period 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022 a further 33 surveyors have successfully obtained their Cadastral Endorsement.  This is a significant increase compared to the previous yearly average of 4. 

In addition to the above, the Board has received another 21 Cadastral Endorsement Assessment Applications and the Board anticipates that a large majority of their assessments will be successful between now and 30 June 2023. 

Given the success of the new cadastral competency assessment process, the Board takes this opportunity to again encourage all registrants who are currently working towards their Surveyor registration and ultimately a cadastral or mining endorsement to fulfill their progression requirements in a timely manner.

The Board would also like to again encourage all employers to take an active role in assisting Surveying Graduates and Surveying Associates in fulfilling their progression to Surveyor registration. 

If any employer, Surveying Graduate or Surveying Associate wishes to learn more about the steps to Surveyor registration please go to the Board’s website (see below link) or contact the Board’s Training Advocate Steve Steggall at