Thursday 4th September 2014

Thursday 4th September 2014

Renewal of Registration Process

New Surveying Regulations

Form 18 Version 4

Cadastral Survey requirements version 6

Cadastral Survey requirements version 7 (consultant draft)


Renewal of Registration Process

The Board will introduce a new electronic registration system for the 2015 registration renewals. Registration renewal forms will no longer be printed or posted.

What you will receive

  • An email with a Microsoft Word attachment containing all your required renewal documents, prefilled with your details from the Board’s database. The attachment includes the Tax invoice.

What you need to do

  • Open the document and complete any amendments
  • Save the attachment to your computer
  • Email the amended attachment in Word Format (.doc) to the Board, keeping a copy for yourself
  • Your return email with the form is taken to be your certification – no signature is required
  • Pay your fees via BPAY or EFT, with BPAY the preferred option (note that the BPAY reference will be different to last year).  Do not insert your credit card number on the renewal form – we cannot accept payment in this way. Use BPAY if you wish to pay by credit card.

What we will do

  • If the form is properly completed and the correct fees paid, we will process the renewal.
  • The system will advise us if the email address we used is not valid. If this occurs we will contact you by phone.
  • If you have not renewed within two weeks of the due date we will send a courtesy email.

To ensure the above process runs smoothly, please advise the Board office of any changes to your details especially your email address and mobile phone number.

New Surveying Regulations and Form 18

The attached Survey Alert was distributed by the Department of Natural Resources and Mines. As there are a limited number of surveyors who subscribe to the Alert distribution list, the Board is sending it to all registered persons.

If you wish to receive survey alerts in the future, you need to subscribe to the Vision 6 system using this link

New Surveying Regulations & Form 18
28 August 2014   Issue 10

New Surveying Regulations

The regulations under Queensland surveying legislation have been replaced.

The Surveyors Regulation 2014 and the Survey and Mapping Infrastructure Regulation 2014 commenced on 22 August 2014. The previous regulations were repealed on the same date.

There are no significant changes to the content of the regulations. However the numbering of corresponding sections may be different.

The immediate consequences of the new regulations are as follows.

Form 18 version 4

There is a new version of Form 18 for use on compiled plans. The new version of the form refers to Section 16 of the Survey and Mapping Infrastructure Regulation 2014 instead of Section 17 of the Survey and Mapping Infrastructure Regulation 2004. The new version of the form will be on the department’s website shortly.

Wherever it is practical, the new version of the form should be used. The department will accept plans signed using Form 18 version 3, for plans certified before 1 December 2014.

Cadastral survey requirements Version 6

The Cadastral Survey Requirements Version 6 (CSR) contains references to the Survey and Mapping Infrastructure Regulation 2004. The table below shows the section in the new regulation that corresponds to each reference in the CSR. The CSR should be read as referring to these new sections.

CSR v 6 Section SMI Reg 2004
section reference
SMI Reg 2014
section reference
3.4.1      Certificates on plans 18 16
3.6          Areas 17 16
3.9.2      Form 18 – Form 18 examples
17 16
New version of form
3.11       Compiled plans 16 – 18
16 and 17
15 & 16
15 and 16
3.16       Curved boundaries 10  9
3.20       Encroachment 18 and 19
19 (in encroachment notice note)
17 and 18
3.22       Marking Part 4
9, 14, 15 & 17
3.28       Profit a prendre 17 16
3.35       Survey records 22(1) 21(1)
4.2.7      Boundary location criteria SMI Reg 2004 (by implication Part 5) SMI Reg 2014 Part 5
4.6          Tidal boundaries Part 4 Part 4
4.13       Reporting requirements for surveys 18 and 19 17 and 18
9.7          Buildings and other improvements on or near a boundary 18 and 19 17 and 18
9.16.2    Corner marks Part 4 9, 14, 15 & 17
9.16.6    Original reference marks and occupation 18 17
9.39       Original dimensions 17 16

Cadastral survey requirements Version 7 (Consultation draft)

Public consultation prior to the making of the new regulations identified a number of issues for consideration. Many of these issues are being addressed through proposed changes to the Cadastral Survey Requirements. A consultation draft including the proposed changes will be released at the QCON14 conference in Cairns in October.