Certificate of Currency & COVID-19

1              Tender Submissions – Certificate of Currency

The Board regularly receives requests from surveyors/corporations for a “Certificate of Currency” which lists the level of registration held by an individual or corporation eg, registered surveyor with consulting and cadastral endorsements, plus the period the registration is valid for.

The Certificate of Currency is generally required to support a tender submission or submissions to government departments or agencies eg Transport and Main Roads, Standing Offer Arrangement.

The Board has recently received a number of requests from surveyors as they are seeking to make a submission to provide cadastral services to Transport and Main Roads (TMR) via a Standing Offer Arrangement which is renewed and updated on a yearly basis by TMR.

The Board has held discussions with TMR officials and advised that on renewal of registration, each surveyor or corporation receives an email notification from the Board advising,

  1. the level of registration held,
  2. any endorsement held, and
  3. the period the registration is valid eg 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2020.

TMR have advised a copy of the confirmation of registration renewal email which contains the Board logo, would be satisfactory to confirm registration status and no additional Certificate of Currency is required. The Board consider the same email document would satisfy most tender specifications which require confirmation of registration status. The Board website contains a search facility and this is the best way to confirm up to date registration status. The search result when printed contains the date of the search and confirms registration status as at that date.

The Board requests all surveyors to retain their email confirmation of renewal of registration and provide a copy of this document to support registration status in tender and public submissions. Alternatively, the search result from the Board website could be printed to support proof of current registration status.

2              Surveyor Competency Assessment – COVID-19

The majority of surveying graduates have commenced the process of demonstrating surveyor competency via the submission of career episode reports (CER).  With the current COVID-19 pandemic and governments restricting people movement the Board brings to the attention of surveying graduates that this may be an opportune time to gather the necessary evidence and documentation to assist with the preparation of CERs. This documentation will then be available for preparing CERs especially, if home restrictions are strengthened further by government.

CER submissions can continue to be made to the Board office in electronic format and the requirement for a printed (hard) copy will be postponed until further notice. The Board will continue to assess CER submissions received via email.  Please be aware the Board does not have access to survey software and that all documents should be sent on Word, PDF or similar formats.

3              Board Office – COVID-19  

At present, the Board office remains fully operational with a mix of attending the office and working remotely.  With the possibility that restrictions on peoples’ movement may be strengthened further, it is likely more work will be performed remotely.

The Board requests that if possible, all communication with the Board be via email. If you need to telephone the Board office and staff are working remotely a telephone message will provide the mobile phone numbers of staff.

Board email contact details are

Executive officer                              eo@sbq.com.au

Administration officer                    admin@sbq.com.au

Training Advocate                           ta@sbq.com.au