Assessment Policy
The Surveyors Act 2003 stipulates that the Board may register a person if the person:
(a) has been assessed as having the competency relevant to the particular registration or endorsement; and
(b) is a suitable person.
The basis for assessment of competency is the relevant competency framework approved by the Board and published on the Board’s website.
The competency framework specifies the required qualifications, skills, knowledge and experience for a registration or endorsement.
This policy deals with matters related to registration in the following categories:
- registration as a surveying graduate
- registration as a surveyor
- cadastral endorsement on the surveyor registration
- mining or engineering endorsement on the surveyor registration
- consulting endorsement on the surveyor registration
- registration as a surveying associate.
Refer to the document Competency Assessment and Registration Policy for details on the Boards policy on competency assessment and registration.
Competency Assessment – General
A person’s competency can be assessed by the Board, or by an entity accredited by the Board.
Where a person seeks to have their competency assessed by the Board, they must provide evidence that they satisfy the units, elements and descriptors of the relevant competency framework. This evidence can be in one of the following forms:
(a) written Career Episode Reports (CERs). The applicant can submit evidence progressively for assessment, or can submit evidence pertaining to all units at once. Evidence submitted progressively must comply with the Board’s required process as set out in the document Progressive Assessment of Competency – Procedure ; or
(b) an oral presentation to an assessment panel convened by the Board. The applicant will be given time to give a presentation describing how the applicant meets all units of the relevant competency framework. Applicants must comply with the Board’s required process as set out in the document Competency Assessment by Oral Presentation – Procedure.
An applicant whose competency has been assessed by the Board, for registration as a surveyor or for a registration endorsement, will be interviewed by the Board prior to the Board making a decision regarding the application for registration or endorsement, to confirm elements of the competency assessment and to assist the Board in assessing whether the applicant is a “suitable person” for registration. Where the person has their competency assessed through an oral presentation, the interview will be incorporated in the oral assessment.
An applicant for registration or a registration endorsement who has been granted a certificate of competency by an accredited entity may be interviewed by the Board prior to the Board making a decision regarding the application for registration or endorsement, to confirm elements of the competency assessment and to assist the Board in assessing whether the applicant is a “suitable person” for registration.