Restoration to the Register

If a renewal application is not submitted and successfully processed by the Board by 31 December of each year, then registration lapses at 31 December.  A registrant has a further three (3) months (to 31 March) to lodge a 10A – Application for Restoration to the Register form.  The applicant is also required to pay a late fee and a restoration fee.

If registration has lapsed for greater than three (3) months then the Board Restoration Policy which is summarised below applies.

Surveying Associate

  1. If more than 3 months, and less than 24 months has lapsed, applicant must apply for restoration and provide any outstanding Career Episode Reports (CER), plus a further CER addressing two units from the Surveying Associate Competency Framework and attach it to their application.
  2. If more than 24 months has lapsed, applicant must apply for registration using the same process as for new applicants seeking registration as a Surveying Associate.

Surveying Graduate

If a previously registered Surveying Graduate has allowed their registration to lapse more than three (3) months, they must apply for registration using the same process as for new applicants for registration as a Surveying Graduate.


Where the applicant applies for restoration after 3 months but within 24 months of the date of lapse of the registration or endorsement, the applicant must:

  1. provide evidence that the person has maintained their competency, by way of a solemn declaration; and
    1. if the applicant is not seeking restoration of endorsements, providing with their application CERs relevant to some aspect of two of the units of competency in the Surveyor Competency Frameworks; or
    2. providing with their application CERs relevant to aspects of each applicable endorsement framework; and
    3. pay the relevant renewal and restoration fees.

Where the applicant has allowed the registration or endorsement to lapse for a period greater than 24 months, the applicant must:

  1. request interim registration as a Surveying Graduate, if seeking restoration of an endorsement; and
  2. successfully complete an interview with two Board members. The interview will review topics contained in the surveyor framework: and
  3. pay the approved fee for assessing a person’s competency; and
  4. complete a Professional Assessment Project (PAP), with payment of the relevant application and assessment fees; and
  5. on satisfactory completion of the PAP, make application for registration as a surveyor, with the endorsement.

Consulting Endorsement

Section 59 of the Surveyors Act 2003 allows:

(1) If a person’s registration or registration endorsement has expired, the person may, within 3 months after the expiry, apply to the board for restoration of the registration or registration endorsement.

Where the applicant applies for restoration after 3 months but within 24 months of the date of lapse of the registration of a consulting endorsement, the applicant must:

  1. provide evidence that the person has maintained their competency, by way of a solemn declaration and
    • provide with their application evidence that they hold professional indemnity insurance to the level required by s3 of the Surveyors Regulation 2014; and
    • pay the relevant renewal and restoration fees.